• ArcGIS Pro Workshop

    We had  sixteen people in the room, Neil, Marianne and myself. Two faculty, one community member (Emily who is a town planner), and twelve students and one administrator (from admissions).   ~Baynard BaileySenior Academic Computing Consultant

  • Hypothes.is

    If you would like to schedule a Hypothes.is workshop for your class or intensive, even a personal tutorial, please contact nscalessa@vassar.edu Want to get started today? Visit the Hypothes.is LibGuide here:  https://library.vassar.edu/hypothesis “Writing in the margins has always been an essential activity for students. Annotation helps in reading comprehension and in developing critical thinking about course materials. Hypothesis enables students to continue this essential activity with online readings.” ~ Source: https://web.hypothes.is/education/

  • Zotero

    Zotero groups provide the opportunity for students and faculty to collaborate remotely to build custom bibliographies. These web-based bibliographies can be used in classroom instruction, community engagement activities, and much more.  If you would like to schedule a Zotero workshop for your class or intensive, even a personal tutorial, please contact nscalessa@vassar.edu Want to get started today? Visit the Zotero LibGuide here:  https://library.vassar.edu/zotero_howto
